Gen-EE have in depthknowledge and experience in design, manufacturing, installation, commissioning,maintenance, dismantling, reinstallation and service support of powder coating,liquid painting, surface treatment plants and equipment.
Conveyorized PowderCoating Plantsare customized as per customer requirement & industry. Semi-Automatic and Fully Automatic plantsare common requirement for different industries as Auto, Building, structure,Aluminium profile, fabrication, home appliance, hotel equipment, Cycle,Motorcycle, control panel, LPG cylinder, Railway, Ordinance, Defense
Plants designed byour team of engineers considering customer/project requirement, rate ofproduction, weight and profile of items to be painted, availability of spacefor paint shop, material to painted, finish and type of paint. Our plants are designed to ensure almost zeropowder flow from cutouts and heat losses. Our plant design team focus on environmentand sustainability norms and ensure maximum recovery of sprayedpowder.
We offer ConveyorizedPowder Coating plant with maximum safety, easy and convenient in operation andmaintenance, robust, maintain high quality and workmanship in fabrication.
Our Conveyorizedpowder coating plants includes:
- - - - - - - - Powder coating Gun (Optional)